Our second winter as recruiters was upon us. This time around, we had a plan. We weren’t hopeful, we were determined. We knew exactly the amount of effort it would take to produce the level of results we desired. We put in more hours, spoke to more people, sacrificed more nights and weekends than ever before. Did it pay off? Not immediately.
But hey, that’s the nature of the recruitment industry. We work in 6 week cycles, things take time. But we managed to line up enough work so that when it came time to closing deals, they fell one by one, and boy was it sweet.
At this point, the holidays are around the corner, and while we’ve closed a few big deals, we still had a bunch of fresh work to do. I can’t tell you why this is, but for whatever reason, companies enter hiring mode just as when people are taking off for the winter break. It’s funny, the same thing seems to happen during a 2 week stretch around the 4th of July. Weird.
Anyways, we’ve got all this work to do, all these jobs to fill, and all our top candidate prospects are disappearing. We’re days away from a serious break and in recruitment, there’s really nothing worse than lapses in time. It’s a mantra we’ve come to respect more than any other: TIME KILLS DEALS. That’s probably true for most sales-oriented businesses, but when it comes to dealings in people – yes, we basically buy and sell people everyday – time is the only thing that can allow a person to change their minds. It’s not like a stuffed animal can back out of a deal if something displeases them, but a person can do whatever they want. A gap of a week or two in recruitment is like 2 entire months worth of work being flushed down the toilet. This could spell trouble. And of course, it happens just as we saw a huge upswing in momentum coming to lift us into 2015.
I won’t reveal the outcome of that winter break just yet, but I’ll leave you with this little nugget: hard work is more than just the hours you spend in front of a computer screen. It’s more than the time spent on the phone with clients. It’s more than the preparation that goes into every single day of meetings. It’s a notion that says if you focus all your efforts on reaching a certain goal, and stop at nothing until you achieve it, you can – nay, you will – get to the light at the end of the tunnel. Because no matter how hard you get hit, no matter how many times you get knocked down, you’ll push through and get right back up until you make it to the pot of gold. Forgive all the mixed up analogies, appreciate the concept.
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